Lauren Krysti, Cultivator of Beauty & Light


When you work with Lauren Krysti as your photographer, you're already miles ahead. You'll know it right away, even if you can't put your finger on what it is. Even before the first photo is taken, she's already set everything in motion.

When I work with Lauren, I get a chance to up my game every time. She is one of those people who raises the bar for the entire group, seemingly just by being there. But don't let her reserved demeanor fool you. Behind the calm exterior and the slight nod of the chin, Lauren is orchestrating, weighing options, and building a plan for the absolute best options for the shoot. Her grace and elegant approach to her honed aesthetic balances beautifully with her knowledge and raw talent for finding not only the perfect shot, but a symphony of them. 

I absolutely had a girl-crush on Lauren when I first met her. (Most of us do, as it turns out.) We were introduced by Melanie Haroldson (Creative Director of the Gray Matter Series) who was at Treat and Co. at the time, when we were working on the website for my company Workerby. The two of them together were so seamless, it was an absolute joy for me. I've worked with her pretty much every chance I can get since then. If you already follow Lauren, you know that keeping up with everything she is working on is awe-inspiring. If you don't already follow her endeavors, I'd highly recommend it. You'll find yourself inspired and thinking of ways you could bring her on as your photographer. 

See her work this weekend at the Gray Matter Series Pop-up Gallery and Retail Experience at the Hewing Hotel as part of Fashion Week MN. It will be not only an impressive display of her photos, but the interior/event design has her touch as well. She and Melanie continue to collaborate seamlessly to create new experiences, and the world is better for it.  

Looking to hire a photographer? Lauren Krysti could be your match.

anna lee